Thursday, October 2, 2008

Real Coffee Tip #1

Keeping Coffee Fresh

Coffee peaks out in its flavor and aroma about 24-48 hours after it's roasted. This is why many roasters will let the beans rest for awhile after they are roasted. During this time the beans are releasing significant amounts of carbon dioxide. If you look on the bag of a good coffee roaster you will find a small dime-sized valve on the back of the back. This is a one-way valve that allows carbon dioxide to escape from the bag, while keeping oxygen out. Oxygen is coffee's enemy, making is stale and stripping it of its flavor.

The best way to enjoy coffee is to get it within a few days of roasting. Ideally you should enjoy you beans within a week of opening the bag. If you can't use it up in a week, put it in a sealed bag and place it in the freezer. Then pull the beans out and grind what you need putting the rest back in the freezer. Never put your coffee in the refrigerator or it may take on the flavor of last nights leftover meatloaf. Coffee beans love to absorb odors.

If you don't have a grinder consider getting one. It's a little extra work but you will be amazed at the difference in taste and aroma. You can pick up a simple propeller grinder for about $20 or consider investing in a good burr grinder for $60-100. I will have more about grinding in future Coffee Tip emails.
Enjoy your Autumn,

Joseph Zimmermann
New Roots Coffee Company

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